zombie candy (annie ogden mystery 2)

Brooke, Frederick Lee · Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

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If you wouldn't dream of ever reading a zombie book, Zombie Candy might be for you. Did you ever get the feeling your partner changed overnight with no warning? Research shows this befalls women much more often than men. You stand there thinking, I have to spend the next thirty years with this moron? Fact is, there are 10 sure signs you're married to a zombie. He gives short guttural answers like "I dunno," or "Unh uh," when you'd like to have a conversation. The TV is more important to him than listening to you. MUCH more important. He consults his iPhone repeatedly during meals. When he gets home from work, too tired to talk, he just wants a beer. He doesn't come home from work till late, and claims his phone was dead. He criticizes your cooking by putting cilantro (or hot sauce, or pepper) on everything you serve. He falls asleep during lovemaking, just when you're about to start feeling something. If you want to watch a movie together, you have to sit through his zombie movies. He thinks it's normal to watch them again and again. He flatly refuses to watch romantic movies. 10. He doesn't even notice your new clothes, shoes or hairstyle, much less say anything nice about them. Zombie Candy is a case study of the modern zombified husband. Note to zombie freaks: there are NO REAL ZOMBIES in this book. Note to lovers of a good satire, with elements of mystery, and the romance of a vacation in beautiful Tuscany, you will be entertained. As a professional cook who gives cooking classes, Candace is highly offended when her husband Larry sprinkles fresh cilantro on her culinary creations. But that's nothing compared to Candace's shock at finding a small black bra while unpacking a suitcase from Larry's last business trip. A bra that's far too small to be hers. It turns out Larry's a serial cheater. Candace confronts Larry and deals with his betrayal in a uniquely creative way, using his fixation with zombies. Aided by her best friend, Annie Ogden, Candace sets up the ruse of the century in a picturesque hilltop town in Italy, luring Larry there and torturing him in a way that's a tad juvenile and cruel, but wickedly SATISFYING. The solution to all the problems listed above is to sit down and talk together, but if he's so far gone he won't talk despite all your begging and pleading? The way Candace handles it might not be every woman's cup of tea, but it ultimately cures Larry. Might be worth looking into ... ZOMBIE CANDY Praise for Zombie Candy "With action that takes us from the suburbs of Chicago to the forests of Tuscany, and lessons in Italian cooking and zombie movies along the way, Zombie Candy is a recipe for delicious fun. Just go easy on the cilantro." Chris Jay Becker Author of Death in the Fast Lane (A King Leary Crime Novel) "Zombie Candy is a tasty morsel of revenge, regret, renewal, friendship and love with a zombie invasion that's as good and fun as a box of Good & Plenty." Lynn Messina Author of The Girl's Guide to Dating Zombies "This book has all the ingredients of a perfect noir comedy - well formed characters, international locations, a fast moving plot with no brakes, and of course zombies. Revenge is a dish best served cold - and as a betrayed wife, master chef and cookery instructor, Candace cooks up the perfect recipe for the ultimate gazpacho." Emma Calin Author of Knockout (A Passionate Police Romance)

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