The Flamboyant

Memphis Hawkley · Createspace

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During the last decades of trouble that have shaken the world, people lost faith in mankind. Today, and more than ever, they need a new impulse for their survival. What about a last hope coming from a mysterious voice that's haunting Myriam's dreams? First, the young woman refuses to believe she may be the one, and that a message has come to her from ancient times to reach the shores of her subconsciousness. However, a divine presence seems to have taken possession of her dreams, so her destiny can get accomplished and justice restored in men's heart. Some unbelieving spirits will be firmly vetoing such a possibility. When Myriam is facing a major event in her life, which will also be showing the world under a new light, she'll have no choice, but to cope with her destiny. She'll then be confronted to frightening adversaries, while on her way to convince people of the world that time has come to get reunited, to let the light guiding their path... What if the new messiah they need were nobody but Myriam? Melvin, a man she doesn't know yet, does think so. There's no doubt in his mind SHE IS the one sent by the Lord at the beginning of this Third Millenium for the prophecy to get achieved, and for the peace to finally reign on Earth. The young adventurer plans to meet her and give his help, without suspecting he is himself a danger for humanity. The Flamboyant is the first novel written by Memphis Hawkley, French native, as his pen name doesn't say. He's sharing with us his vision of the world, a mix between fears for the future of humanity, but also hope, inviting us to trust our fellowman... because tomorrow builds itself on today's beliefs and that our questions will find their answers just in our heart. Let's now have faith in human being and join forces to face adversity and fear so our future won't fade away... Let's keep, more than ever, a positive attitude. One day, the truth will emerge from our glowy hearts... and our lives will become what they were meant to be.

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