Roux: The Magnificent red Squirrel who Befriended the King of England

John Stirling · I2I Publishing

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These matters are of importance to accept before handing the findings to more analytical minds, to read in the hope of presenting solutions. It was on the balcony at Hampton Court Palace that the work was done quietly, discreetly in what Thomas Wolsey referred to as 'The Silent Get Together'. Visually exciting, verbally incoherent and there for everyone to see - a unique format for success. Henry VIII would not allow freedom of speech. All discourse had to be in obeyance of an order, whether acceptable or not. Criticism was banished, suggestions discouraged or in most cases forbidden. Time allocated simply for acclamation and flattery. Henry's wealth was his comfort, ownership his power, dominance his acceptance, philanthropy his quest. The young king was renowned for revelling in undisputed control, an overriding criterion that painted his life colourful and entertaining. Exciting to a nation, his popularity gaining unequalled degrees of admiration. There is little doubt that Roux experienced the best years with the young Tudor King of England. A time of unprecedented wealth allowed for the conception of creative adventures, in turn generating larger than life characters. Fortunes were welcomed for extraordinary projects and designs, leaving a legacy of unsurpassed grandeur in which the next generation could delight.

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