Las Hermanas de Crest

Sandrine Destombes · Reservoir Books

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20.000 LECTORES EN ESPAÑA.Después de El doble secreto de la familia Lessage,llega lo nuevo de Sandrine Destombes.UN RUTINARIO CONTROL DE TRÁFICOEl subteniente Benoit siempre soñó con misiones de envergadura, pero jamás habría creído que su carrera en la brigada de Crest pudiese cambiar de la noche a la mañana. Porque una conductora que se da a la fuga sufre un accidente fatal. Porque en el coche iba secuestrada una niña que ahora está en coma. Porque al poco aparece un muerto con los ojos extirpados y unas incisiones en la frente.LOS CUERPOS SE MULTIPLICANEl caso se ha complicado y es inevitable que lleguen de París los «Expertos» de la policía judicial; Benoit es el elegido para servirles de enlace en la investigación sobre el terreno. Sin embargo, una maldición parece haberse cernido sobre el lugar, pues afloran más cadáveres mutilados y ya nadie duerme tranquilo. Las que menos, las residentes en el «priorato», un refugio de mujeres que han sido víctimas de violencia machista.UNA MANO SÁDICA MUEVE LOS HILOSSandrine Destombes vuelve a entregar una novela en la que nada es lo que parece y donde queda intacto. Por el ritmo al que se suceden los asesinatos, se diría que la muerte está muy a gusto en Crest.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONSandrine Destombes’ latest work after El doble secreto de la familia Lessage / The Lessage Family’s Double Secret.  A ROUTINE TRAFFIC STOP Second Lieutenant Benoit always dreamed of taking part in large and important missions, but he never could have imagined that his career in the Crest Brigade could change overnight. All because a driver who police were in pursuit of, suffers a fatal accident. Because in that car the driver had a kidnapped girl who is now in a coma. Because soon thereafter, a dead man appears with his eyes removed and with incisions on his forehead.   THE AMOUNT OF BODIES BEGIN TO DOUBLE The case has become complicated and it is inevitable that the "experts" of the judicial police will soon arrive from Paris; Benoit has been chosen to serve as their liaison for field research. However, a curse seems to have hung over the city as more mutilated corpses emerge and everyone sleeps restless throughout the city. Those that are the most restless, and with good reason, are the "priory" residents, a refuge for women who have been victims of male violence.   A SADIC HAND MOVES THE STRINGS Sandrine Destombes delivers once again a novel in which nothing is what it seems and where everything remains unchanged. By the rate at which the murders occur, it would seem that death is very comfortable in Crest.

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