La Cocina Ayurveda: Que el Alimento sea tu Medicamento

Ciarlotti, Fabián · Ediciones Lea

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Reseña del libro

According to Ayurveda, all food is a solution and each solution is food. Which means, most sickness can be treated, or at least improved, with the correct diet. In Ayurveda, choice and knowledge are the principles tools to health, and this book seeks to help readers understand their metabolism and dietary tendencies and to behave in consequence. This book pursues the idea by including basic principles and hypotheses of this medicine and a complete recipe book.

Opiniones del Libro

Lorena Barraza Aguilera Viernes 18 de Septiembre, 2020

"Es complicado, hay q saber mas del tema para entenderlo"

Nicole Menanteau Fabres Martes 30 de Julio, 2019

"Amé el libro es preciosa la ilistración que tiene. Superó totalmente mis expectativas."

Julio Aguilera Riquelme Domingo 20 de Octubre, 2019

"Excelente, interesante. Me lo recomendaron y algo lo conocía. "

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