Is god in That Bottle Cap? A Search for Truth

John D Sambalino · Vanishing Circle Press

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                          “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”                                                                                                                  Albert EinsteinAs we walked across the parking lot, Reverend Dan continued with his friendly banter on religion and why it was important to become a regular churchgoer. He knew I didn’t follow any organized religion, preferring to look inward for my spiritual guidance and understanding. As we got to our cars, I noticed a bottle cap lying on the ground. Pointing to it, I asked: “Dan, is God in that bottle cap?” He gave me a curious smile. “No really, if God is everywhere, is he in that bottle cap, or is he everywhere, just not in that bottle cap?”We are surrounded by an Ultimate Reality that is unperceivable to the senses, and, as such, unknown to the conscious mind. Jesus, Krishna, and Buddha were all aware of this mystical, Ultimate Truth, and each realized that they were an undivided part of it. Trying to pass on their teachings, great religions were created based upon their words. But why is it that we are not experiencing that which they were, not living our lives fully merged with that “Kingdom of Heaven” that lies within? What part of their teachings are we missing?Come along as you journey with the author on his life-changing quest to uncover the Ultimate Truth, that hidden reality that is the very essence of you and all that surrounds you. See why it is that words, no matter how lofty, will never take you to that place that all religions speak of, and why you must still your mind and travel inward to uncover that which was never lost. Proven methods and profound revelations are discussed in great detail as you travel this inspiring road to self-realization, or what the sages term “Enlightenment!”What exactly is enlightenment, and can it really be attained in this age and time? Enlightenment is the realization of our true Self, our true Being. Not our constantly changing body, thoughts, and emotions that we take to be who we are, but rather, the never changing, pure awareness, or consciousness, that lets us say: my body, my thoughts, my emotions. This underlying, pure awareness did not come into existence with the birth of our body, and it does not cease to exist when our body breathes its last. It did not come into existence upon the creation of our universe, and it does not cease to exist at its dissolution. It is ever-existent and ever-present, and, as such, we do not need to find it, we just need to realize it. How is this accomplished? Through knowledge and experience.  As you travel with the author on his personal spiritual journey, you will come to understand precisely what type of knowledge you are looking for and how to obtain it. You will also learn that there are various means to experiencing the silent, pure awareness that lies at the core of all existence, the most powerful of which, meditation, will be explored and discussed in great depth.

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