Grass or Gas: No one Rides for Free

M'lynn Alston Childers · Balboa Press

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An idealistic young woman is seduced by the promise of a creative and spiritual renaissance which the 60's and 70's rebels tauted to be their goal. She moved from a stable midwestern community where morality was enforced by the impact of families being known to each other for generations. She arrived in a dizzying metropolis of strangers unknown even to themselves. She spent thirty years testing, rejecting and coming to terms with her own beliefs. She was well past her 50's when she first read Betty Friedan's, FEMININE MYSTIQUE but in her youth she felt the dissatisfaction with the lack of opportunity for creativity and growth midwestern women suffered. When she finally read the book, she was surprised to learn Ms. Friedan had not meant to start a political movement, but was making a case for growth movement.

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