Dracula (Clasicos Juveniles)

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Estas paginas hablan de Dracula, una novela epistolar que comienza con el viaje que Jonathan Harker, un joven empleado de una compania inglesa de compra y venta de fincas realiza a Transilvania para entrevistarse con el conde Dracula, quien desea adquirir una propiedad en Londres. Harker percibe que el carruaje lo guia hacia un castillo que parece ser el del mismo Satanas. Alli finalmente tiene un encuentro con Dracula, el vampiro, un ser en cuyo rostro destaca una boca cruel, de blancos y afilados dientes que sobresalen por encima de los labios. Se trata de una presencia que no se refleja en los espejos; que recibe a su invitado solo durante la noche; que vive rodeado de bellas harpias y... conviene adentrarse en la lectura de esta novela, la cual, sin duda, se ha convertido en la catedral del vampiro. / These pages speak of Dracula, an epistolary novel that begins with the trip that Jonathan Harker, a young employee of an English company of purchase and sale of properties makes to Transylvania to meet with Count Dracula, who wants to acquire a property in London. Harker perceives that the carriage leads him to a castle that seems to be that of Satan himself. There he finally has an encounter with Dracula, the vampire, a being whose face features a cruel mouth, with white and sharp teeth that protrude above the lips. It is a presence that is not reflected in the mirrors; who receives his guest only during the night; that lives surrounded by beautiful harpies and ... it is convenient to enter in the reading of this novel, which, without a doubt, has become the cathedral of the vampire.

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